Day of Young Software Developers: Award for Students of the Division Data Science in Biomedicine

On July 11, students from the Technical University of Braunschweig presented the results of this year’s software development internship. The event provided a platform for aspiring developers to showcase their semester projects and compete with other talents from the fields of Computer Science, Business Informatics, and Information Systems Engineering.

Three teams were awarded for their innovative projects:

1st Place: "Virtual Reality Learning Environment for Children with ADHD"

2nd Place: "Radlritter"

3rd Place: "Mixed Reality Multiplayer without Cloud"

A team of students from the Division Data Science in Biomedicine secured second place with their innovative project “Radlritter.” The students developed an app for safe bicycle navigation based on data from the OpenBikeSensor, a system for measuring passing distances of cars to bicycles. With this app, users can plan routes along streets where cars maintain a greater distance from cyclists, thereby increasing cyclist safety.

This app offers a practical application that directly contributes to improving traffic safety and showcases the students' ability to find technological solutions for real-world problems.

During the development of this app, the team also received valuable support from the Institutes of Computer Graphics and Machine Tools and Production Technology.

We are proud of the achievements of our students and delighted with the recognition the Division Data Science in Biomedicine has received for this valuable project. Remarkably, this marks the second consecutive year our students have secured a spot in the top three. Congratulations to all involved and many thanks for their dedication and creativity!